Marvel Studios’ Founder, David Maisel, Launches His Next Universe on Kickstarter

Maisel reveals why he chose Kickstarter, shares insights on the creative vision behind Ekos, and discusses the future of storytelling through fan engagement.

Marvel Studios’ Founder, David Maisel, Launches His Next Universe on Kickstarter

When the Founder of Marvel Studios, David Maisel, conceived and launched the Marvel Cinematic Universe, few could have predicted the global phenomenon that would follow. Now, Maisel is the Founder of Mythos Studios and is stepping into a new realm with Ekos, a bold universe that promises to captivate audiences once again.

Ekos, a comic and entertainment universe inspired by the legendary art & creations of artist Michael Turner and writer Geoff Johns, is not only a tribute to the worlds they created but also a bold new direction for entertainment. Ekos aims to take fans on a journey filled with awe and wonder, exploring themes that resonate with today’s world—all set on Earth. 

What makes this project even more groundbreaking is his decision to debut Ekos on Kickstarter, bringing fans directly into the fold from day one. This choice speaks to David’s vision on the power of community and marks a major shift from the traditional playbook. 

Kickstarter's Senior Outreach Lead for Comics, Sam Kusek, recently sat down with David Maisel to discuss the creative process behind Ekos, the decision to launch it on Kickstarter, and what fans can expect as they support this ambitious new universe. Here’s what David had to say about his exciting new journey.

What inspired you to create Ekos, and how does it differ from other universes you’ve developed in the past?

David Maisel: The inspiration for Ekos came from my desire to create a universe that is relevant and entertaining for today’s world while being distinct from my earlier projects at Marvel. One of the key influences was the art and creations of Michael Turner, whose work I have admired for many years. Unfortunately, Michael passed away too soon and never had the chance to bring all his characters together into a single universe. Developing Ekos has allowed me to honor his legacy by doing just that.

What sets Ekos apart is that it’s grounded in the wonder and awe of our planet, rather than taking place in other galaxies or multiverses. It also focuses on themes that are timely and relatable for today’s world. I’m particularly excited about our new superstar character, Grell, and his unique personality and powers. Ultimately, I hope Ekos becomes the first comic universe told through feature-length animation.

Why did you choose Kickstarter as the platform to launch Ekos?

DM: Everything I did at Marvel Studios disrupted the traditional system. We had our own IP, financing, and production, but still relied on third parties to market and connect with fans. What excites me about Kickstarter is that it allows us to connect directly with fans. This is another opportunity to innovate and break through the noise by building a relationship with our audience from the very start.

People often tell me they wish they had collected the original Marvel comics before the MCU launched. With this Kickstarter for *Ekos Volume 1*—which includes Issues 1-3 of our universe—we’re giving fans the chance to get involved at the ground level. They can collect exclusive limited items before we try to expand the universe through other forms of entertainment like films, games, and more. Kickstarter also provides a fun, interactive platform where fans can tailor their experience, choosing rewards that suit them, while allowing us to maintain ongoing communication with them.

How do you envision Kickstarter helping you connect with fans and build a community around Ekos?

DM: Kickstarter enables us to build a community directly with our fans. Everyone who supports this campaign willreceive behind-the-scenes information and early updates on the Ekos universe. I’ll be personally communicating with fans about the universe and sharing fun insights along the way. 

Can you share more about the creative process behind Ekos? What can fans expect in terms of story and world-building?

DM: Ekos introduces a new superstar in Grell—he’s like ou “Iron Man” of this new universe. This project is deeply influenced by the art & creations of Michael Turner and Geoff Johns, bringing together characters from Michael’s legacy into one cohesive universe for the first time. I’ve been a fan of Michael’s work since *Fathom* in 1998, and I started collecting his art in 2008. I’ve gotten to know the great team at Aspen Comics, including Frank Mastromauro and Peter Steigerwald, and they’ve been instrumental in helping us shape Ekos.

The story is stealth for now, much like we did with Marvel, but I can share that Grell’s powers are not what you might expect—there’s something deeper at play. Ekos is truly a collaboration of creative minds, with support from amazing artists like Alex Konat, Peter Steigerwald, Joe Quesada, David Mack, and J Scott Campbell, among many others.

How does your experience with Marvel Studios influence your approach to launching Ekos?

DM: At Marvel, I was driven by my passion for the characters and the desire for the world to experience the universe through different mediums. Ekos is born from the same passion. Like Marvel, we aim to create something that resonates with comic fans while also reaching broader audiences who might not be as familiar with comics. We’re striving for innovative ways to elevate Ekos to a worldwide mythology, just like we did with Marvel Studios.