The 10 Emotional Stages of Launching a Kickstarter Project

Kirsten Thompson, creator of the comic ‘I Am Hexed,’ shares the emotions you’ll cycle through as you get ready to launch your Kickstarter campaign — plus some tips to keep you going.

The 10 Emotional Stages of Launching a Kickstarter Project
The second issue of I Am Hexed is live on Kickstarter now

Kirsten Thompson, creator of the comic ‘I Am Hexed,’ shares the emotions you’ll cycle through as you get ready to launch your Kickstarter campaign — plus some tips to keep you going.

This photo essay by Kirsten Thompson, featuring illustrations from her comic I Am Hexed, is part of a series that celebrates past projects and introduces a few others. Read more here.

Image of a person at their computer desk, laying out their upcoming Kickstarter campaign.
Gif of a person with their eyes moving back and forth rapidly.
Gift of four people handing out information about their campaign.
Three images of a people at a bar, sipping coffee on a balcony, and a feather in the wind.
Gif of a hand holding a smart phone.
A person cheesing/smiling really hard after viewing their first backer.
A Gif of a person looking at their watch.
A person heading into the fridge to grab a water, snacks also appear in the fridge.
A close-up of a person holding their face as if meditiating.
A person leaning on a wall with a pink background.
Gif offering bonus advice and two people hugging one another.

Kirsten Thompson is the writer of I Am Hexed, a comic book about the ongoing political struggles of modern-day witches. Other comics credits include serving as the linguist on Kim & Kim Volume 2 and editing Strange Wit, The Bargain, and others.