10 Crowdfunding Tips from Superbackers

Learn from Kickstarter’s most passionate supporters — Superbackers on how to create a successful crowdfunding campaign that stands out, resonates with backers, and reaches its funding goals.

10 Crowdfunding Tips from Superbackers

Running a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter can be an exciting way to bring your creative vision to life, gather support, and even turn your after-hours passion project into a full-time endeavor. However, navigating the complexities of running a successful campaign and convincing your community to support your idea while it's still in its early stages can be daunting. To help you with this, we've reached out to our Superbacker community for advice.

These dedicated supporters have backed hundreds of projects and understand what makes a campaign stand out to the masses. In this guide, we will share ten insider tips from Superbackers to assist you in creating a successful crowdfunding campaign that connects with your audience and reaches its funding goals.

Meet the Superbackers:

Sean Wynn: Backing projects since 2013, Sean focuses primarily on comics. A comic book enthusiast, international hip-hop junkie, toy collector, and activist, he’s also a proud cat dad. Follow his personal instagram and comics instagram.

Gino Kaye: Since 2020, Gino has backed over 185 Kickstarter projects, with a special focus on tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs). A veteran RPG player for nearly 50 years, Gino enjoys exploring the vast variety of game offerings on Kickstarter.

Dallas Peterson: Backing more than 250 projects since 2011, Dallas has a strong focus on games. He teaches tabletop games at conventions, and playtests for publishers, and works as a software product manager in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Now, let’s dive into their insights to help creators make their campaigns stand out and maximize success.

Left to Right: Dallas Peterson, Gino Kaye, & Sean Wynn

Tips From Superbackers:

1. First Impressions Matter: What Superbackers Look for Right Away

When asked what they noticed first when deciding to back a project, the Superbackers emphasized clarity and inclusivity.

Sean: “The very first thing I look for is diversity and inclusivity.” Sean supports creators who go beyond the usual tropes, focusing on unique stories.

Gino: “A video at the top of the page gives me an overview of the offering.” Gino believes a well-made introductory video sets the tone for the campaign, allowing potential backers to quickly assess the project’s value.

Dallas: “I look for a known game designer or publisher I’ve backed in the past, good visuals, and reviews from reputable content creators.” Dallas also pays attention to Kickstarter exclusives and better-than-retail pricing, which add significant appeal.

Tip: First impressions are crucial. Ensure your campaign page is visually compelling, clear, and offers something unique—whether it’s diversity, exclusive rewards, or strong design.

2. Storytelling is Key: How to Make Your Story Resonate

Superbackers are deeply invested in stories that captivate their imaginations, but what resonates most with them varies slightly.

Sean: “I’m drawn to aspects that delve outside of the usual tropes. I love a unique spin on mythologies, strong female leads, or new takes on science.” Sean values fresh, unexpected narratives that break the mold.

Gino: “A well-developed story behind the offering is essential.” For Gino, the backstory and purpose behind the project play a major role in his decision to back a campaign.

Tip: Craft a story that’s original, clear, and relatable. Focus on creating strong characters, unique plotlines, and a narrative that sets your project apart.

3. Building Trust: Assessing Creator Credibility

Superbackers often evaluate a creator’s credibility before committing to a project, but the factors they consider can differ.

Gino: “I look for how many past Kickstarters they’ve done and how well-written the Kickstarter page is.” A well-executed campaign page and a solid track record are essential indicators of trust.

Dallas: “Credibility isn’t usually a concern. I’ve only had one project out of nearly 200 where the creator didn’t deliver.” Dallas leans more toward his past experiences and the reputation of the creator.

Tip: Build trust by showcasing your past successes, offering transparent project updates, and ensuring that your campaign page is professional and thorough. Even if you’re a first-time creator, clear communication can go a long way in establishing credibility.

4. The Power of Rewards: Crafting Irresistible Reward Tiers

Reward tiers are often the key deciding factor for backers. Here’s what makes a reward tier stand out:

Sean: “I’m always looking for bundles, especially if they offer items from previous campaigns that I may have missed. I’m drawn to exclusive items that won’t be available in stores.” Sean’s approach highlights the importance of exclusivity and value.

Gino: “If there are additional bonuses, like Virtual Tabletop (VTT) modules, I consider that enormous additional value for my pledge. I mostly go for digital products.” For Gino, add-ons that enhance the value of the base product are a significant factor.

Tip: Consider offering bundles, exclusive items, and digital extras that add value to your rewards. Keep pricing reasonable and clearly highlight the benefits of each tier.

5. Communication is Key: Keeping Backers Informed

Effective communication during a campaign can make or break a backer’s satisfaction.

Gino: “I appreciate regular project updates, especially when creators keep backers in the loop about the campaign’s progress.” Gino finds satisfaction when creators offer frequent updates, particularly when the project is close to completion.

Dallas: “I love updates that include community polls or allow backers to vote on project customizations.” Backers appreciate being involved in the project’s development, especially when they can contribute to decision-making.

Tip: Maintain open and transparent communication with your backers throughout the campaign. Involve them in key decisions where possible and keep them updated on progress to enhance their overall experience.

6. Red Flags and Green Lights: How to Win Over Backers

What makes a project appealing, and what raises concerns? Superbackers have clear criteria for both.

Gino: “Green flags for me include a high number of participants, a nearly complete offering, and downloadable QuickStart guides. Red flags are low participation, high prices, no video, and poorly written copy.”

Dallas: “I don’t have many red flags, but I tend to avoid creators with a bad track record or who disappear with backers’ money.”

Tip: Set your campaign up for success by offering transparency, competitive pricing, and polished presentation. Avoid the common pitfalls of poor communication or lackluster campaign materials.

7. Stretch Goals: What Makes Them Appealing

Stretch goals can be a powerful tool in maintaining momentum during a campaign.

Sean: “I love a good stretch goal. However, I hate it when creators wait until after they’ve made their money to offer inclusive items or something that would’ve been an immediate seller.”

Gino: “Stretch goals are appealing if they add value, like additional modules or VTT support.”

Tip: Make your stretch goals meaningful and aligned with your project’s core values. Consider including items or expansions that enhance the backer experience from the start.

8. Video Content: To Watch or Not to Watch

Project videos are another critical element of a campaign, but backers have differing views on their importance.

Gino: “The project video is very, very important to me.”

Dallas: “I rarely watch videos. I’ll scan the images and content first. I find the inline content usually has more substance.”

Tip: While a video is essential for some backers, others may focus more on the written content. Ensure that both your video and your campaign page are well-crafted and informative.

9. What Superbackers Wish Creators Would Do More Often

When asked what creators could improve, Sean and Gino had insightful suggestions:

Sean: “Creators should offer more retailer tiers and partner with charities to donate a portion of their funds when they exceed their goal.”

Gino: “Offering QuickStarts of the rules helps backers evaluate the offering and make an informed decision.”

Tip: Explore opportunities for retailer partnerships and charitable collaborations. For Games Creators, providing a QuickStart guide or a preview of your offering can also help attract more backers.

10. Category Loyalty

When asked if the category of the project changes what you look for, Gino had a simple yet insightful take.

Gino: Absolutely! I ONLY look under TTRPG’s

This confirms that superbackers tend to be loyal to certain categories. So, if you have an amazing campaign in film, comics, games, or others, you’re presenting it to true fans of the art.

Launch with Confidence

Crowdfunding is as much an art as it is a science, and the experiences of these Superbackers offer invaluable insights into what drives backers to pledge. From strong storytelling and clear communication to compelling rewards and inclusive stretch goals, creators can learn from these tips to make their campaigns more appealing, credible, and successful. Incorporating these strategies into your next Kickstarter campaign could be the key to standing out in the crowded crowdfunding space—and turning first-time backers into loyal supporters.