Fundraising for Musicians: Why Kickstarter Is a Great Choice for Musicians Seeking Funding

Fundraising for Musicians: Why Kickstarter Is a Great Choice for Musicians Seeking Funding

Musicians who have innovative concepts but face financial constraints may benefit from utilizing Kickstarter as a means to bring their ideas to fruition, connect with their audience, and secure funding without the need for traditional industry gatekeepers.

In this detailed guide, we will explore how musicians use Kickstarter to fund a variety of projects, such as recording albums, producing music videos, and financing tours. We will offer valuable advice on creating an appealing project page, setting achievable funding targets, promoting a campaign effectively, and building strong connections with backers.

Kickstarter for Musicians: An Overview

Kickstarter has made the fundraising process more accessible for musicians. Musicians can share their creative vision with the world through their project page. They also have the flexibility to offer multiple rewards to backers, such as early access to new music, limited edition merchandise, digital downloads, private concerts, personalized experiences, and even the chance to be part of the creative process. This approach helps build a sense of community and connection between musicians and their supporters, creating a mutually rewarding relationship beyond financial support.

Creative resources for Musicians:

On making something unexpected
Musician Devon Welsh discusses not taking yourself too seriously, reading the reviews, and why making art is time well spent.
On getting out of your own way
Real Estate’s Martin Courtney on songwriting, not second guessing yourself, and what it means to try and age gracefully within the confines of a rock band.
On trying to create something meaningful
Musician Maria José Llergo discusses why art is not an industry, the importance of showing gratitude, and what it really means to be successful.

How to use Kickstarter for your next music project

1. Create a compelling project page:

Your project page is the first impression potential backers will get of your project, so it’s important to make it shine. Write a clear, honest, and snappy project description. Use great images, audio, and video to clearly show what you are creating and why people should be excited about it. And, of course, set an achievable funding goal that includes everything you’ll need to complete your project.

2. Promote your campaign:

Once your project page is live, it’s time to start promoting. Share it on your social media channels, reach out to music blogs and websites, and send personalized emails to your network. Create a sense of urgency by setting a deadline for your campaign and offering early bird rewards for backers who contribute early.

3. Engage with backers:

In the realm of Kickstarter, communication is paramount. Swiftly address comments and messages from potential backers, and keep them in the loop with updates on your project's advancement. Consider offering exclusive rewards and experiences to demonstrate your gratitude for their support.

4. Fulfill rewards on time:

Delivering rewards punctually is essential in upholding your standing with supporters. Ensure you have a well-defined plan for fulfilling rewards before your campaign's launch. Keep your supporters updated on the progress of their rewards and be responsive to any questions.

Following these steps can enhance your prospects of reaching your funding goal and realizing your musical aspirations.

Creator stories: musicians who rocked Kickstarter

Kickstarter has been a game-changer for many musicians, providing a platform to make creative dreams a reality. Some have even achieved extraordinary success through the site. One such artist is Amanda Palmer, who raised over $1.2 million in 2012 to produce her album Theatre Is Evil. Palmer's success has since inspired many other musicians to consider crowdfunding as a legitimate option for financing their projects.

Theatre Is Evil: the album, art book and tour

In 2015, the iconic R&B group TLC turned to Kickstarter to fund their final album. Despite their storied career and significant fan base, the group needed a way to independently finance their project without the constraints of a traditional record label. Raising over $430,000 from more than 4,000 backers, far exceeding their initial goal of $150,000. The campaign’s success can be attributed to the group’s transparent and heartfelt appeal to their fans, offering exclusive rewards such as digital downloads, signed vinyl records, and even personalized voicemail messages from T-Boz and Chilli. By involving their fans directly in the funding process, TLC not only secured the necessary funds but also strengthened their bond with their supporters. The album, "TLC," released in 2017, stands as a testament to the power of crowdfunding and the enduring loyalty of their fan base.

TLC is BACK to make our FINAL ALBUM with YOU!

De La Soul faced a unique challenge: their classic albums were not available on digital streaming platforms due to complex sampling rights issues. In 2015, they decided to use Kickstarter to fund their first album in over a decade, "and the Anonymous Nobody." Their goal was to raise $110,000, but they ended up amassing over $600,000 from more than 11,000 backers. De La Soul’s campaign resonated with fans because it highlighted their commitment to creative freedom and maintaining control over their music. The rewards they offered included exclusive access to listening parties in NYC, limited edition merchandise, physical products, and personalized experiences, which helped to build excitement and engagement.

Happy One Year Anniversary De La Soul!! Album in stores.

LaRussell serves as a great example of how independent musicians can use Kickstarter to maintain their independence. Renowned for his raw talent and entrepreneurial spirit, LaRussell collaborated with Kickstarter on his project "Let Me Hold A Dolla". The objective of this campaign was to connect with his million followers and ask for a minimal contribution of just $1 to support LaRussell's journey to stardom. The campaign aimed to test how far LaRussell could go on his own, with support from the public. LaRussell's campaign illustrates the potential for independent artists to use crowdfunding to maintain creative control and establish a direct relationship with their supporters. His story serves as an inspiration to many aspiring musicians who want to navigate the music industry on their own terms.


The Power of Fundraising

By directly engaging with their fans and offering unique, personalized rewards, these artists were able to secure the necessary funding to bring their creative projects to life. More importantly, they fostered a deeper connection with their supporters, creating a community that extends beyond financial transactions.

For musicians considering their next project, Kickstarter offers a platform to not only raise funds but also build lasting relationships with their audience. It’s a testament to the changing landscape of the music industry, where artists can take control of their careers and achieve their creative visions with the support of their fans.